Dickie's Arena, 1911 Montgomery St, Fort Worth, TX 76107, USA Map

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We are calling this generation, with different voices, but one song, different backgrounds, but one Father, different nationalities, but one eternal home. When we come together for the name of Jesus, we are changed, personally and collectively. Our character and our communities. Our calling and our campuses. The good news of Jesus will not be stopped but will continue as we give glory to our God who reigns over all the Earth.

Join us in Dallas/Ft. Worth on December 28-30, 2022 or in Atlanta on January 3-5, 2023 for Passion 2023.

There is a place for you.

Total cost for this event is $300.00 if paid in full with registration. If you'd like to make payments, the total cost is $320.00. After your initial deposit, you will need to make your payment with cash or check, made payable to First West.

Contact information

Bookings for this event have now closed.